Want to learn Saarlandian Language ??
This is the ultimate Saarlandian English Dictionary for all English
speaking people intending to make a business trip to Saabrigge and get lost somewhere between Ensheim and the Bostalsee or somewhere between Betschbach and Hommbursch.
Aldedaach - old age pensioner.. also: annual old people's event
Anner . - the other one
Babbe - father
Babbele - .to speak
babbisch - sticky
Babbsagg - you suck
Beleidischd Lewwerworscht - sensitive person
Bibbeijes Bohne - a soup made of green beans
Billa - pictures. also: short form for the name "Sybille"
Bobbelsche - little child, baby
Bummbe - to beat, hit
Dasch - . . bag, pocket
der do gent ran wie Flocki
ans Gehaggte. . .................. - not very shy person
Dibbe - pot
Dibbelabbes . . -special Saarlandian dish: potato pan
Dinnbrettbohrer - awkward person also known as "Angeber"
Doijenanner - a big mess
driwwe - over there
druff - up there
Dummschwätzer - someone who talks too much. Similar to:
Ebbel - apples
Ebbelborner Braddler - the Saarlandian Prime Minister
ebbes - some, a few
enuff - up
enunner - down
erbaame, Pälzer kommel ... - Saarlandian National Anthem
et - typical saarlandian article (female only), for example:
et Marianne
Feier unner de Aasch mache - to help somebody to become quicker
Fixfeier - matchstick
Geh fodd - mazing; unbelievable
Geknoddel - total mess
Gedööns - lot of noise about nothing
Gaadediersche - small door to enter the garden
Gädediersche . - small fish
gugge - to watch
ei mei Guddes, unn? - hello, nice to see you! How are you today?
wo geschde lang? /
wo machschde naus? - where are you going?
Guttsje - candy; christmas cookies
Hä ? - Excuse me, could you please be so kind to repeat your statement? I couldn't understand you.
Heisje - small house, hut
Heer uff - stop! Similar to: “Mooomendernol"
hibbelisch - nervous
Hinkel - chicken
horschemo! - listen!
hugge - to sit
inn Abrahams Schoos - gendary place that everybody knows ? but nobody has ever seen
Ims.. - family celebration; to celebrate an anniversary
Kaff - small town . . .
kee Bock meh - unmotivated .
Kipp .... ............ - cigarette
Kleen - small
Knaube ........... - to work not very accurately
Knepp mache .............. - to do something stupid
Kohle ... - cash, money
Labbe . - driving licence; wash cloth
Läärisch - to be not in the mood
Läwe geht weider - Saarlandian motto like "Don't worry, be happy"
Lazzegalli . - furtive person
Maije .. - to have some free coffee or tea or other several
drinks (or nothing at all) during a hole
afternoon or evening at a good friend's
home, talking about god and the world
Muppesje . - not even skinny person, similar to: “Pummelsche"
Naggisch - naked
Nippes - useless things
Owwerlinxwiller - also very good known in China
Petze - delay the way to the toilet
plärre - to cry
Saarländisch Kongo - area near Saarbrocken
Saarländisch Sibirie - area next to Otzenhausen
Scheesewäänje - baby carriage
Schlugge - to drink
Schnalle - to understand
Schneggedänzjer - funny things
Schnecke checke - to watch nice girls
Schnibbelsche - little piece
schwangere Lerch - fat (female) person
sisch ableeje - to go to sleep
Stinkstiwwel - smelly person; also: very unfriendly person
Uffgeblaasd - arrogant
Uffraffe - to get up; to pull oneself together
unn? - hello, nice to see you!
Veraasche. - to make fun of someone
Wäänje - small car
wie bei Hembels unnerm
Sofa - having a mess in the living area or office
Wutz - pig; dirty person
Zuggerschtiggsche - a lump of sugar; also: pet name for girlfriend
This is the ultimate Saarlandian English Dictionary for all English
speaking people intending to make a business trip to Saabrigge and get lost somewhere between Ensheim and the Bostalsee or somewhere between Betschbach and Hommbursch.
Aldedaach - old age pensioner.. also: annual old people's event
Anner . - the other one
Babbe - father
Babbele - .to speak
babbisch - sticky
Babbsagg - you suck
Beleidischd Lewwerworscht - sensitive person
Bibbeijes Bohne - a soup made of green beans
Billa - pictures. also: short form for the name "Sybille"
Bobbelsche - little child, baby
Bummbe - to beat, hit
Dasch - . . bag, pocket
der do gent ran wie Flocki
ans Gehaggte. . .................. - not very shy person
Dibbe - pot
Dibbelabbes . . -special Saarlandian dish: potato pan
Dinnbrettbohrer - awkward person also known as "Angeber"
Doijenanner - a big mess
driwwe - over there
druff - up there
Dummschwätzer - someone who talks too much. Similar to:
Ebbel - apples
Ebbelborner Braddler - the Saarlandian Prime Minister
ebbes - some, a few
enuff - up
enunner - down
erbaame, Pälzer kommel ... - Saarlandian National Anthem
et - typical saarlandian article (female only), for example:
et Marianne
Feier unner de Aasch mache - to help somebody to become quicker
Fixfeier - matchstick
Geh fodd - mazing; unbelievable
Geknoddel - total mess
Gedööns - lot of noise about nothing
Gaadediersche - small door to enter the garden
Gädediersche . - small fish
gugge - to watch
ei mei Guddes, unn? - hello, nice to see you! How are you today?
wo geschde lang? /
wo machschde naus? - where are you going?
Guttsje - candy; christmas cookies
Hä ? - Excuse me, could you please be so kind to repeat your statement? I couldn't understand you.
Heisje - small house, hut
Heer uff - stop! Similar to: “Mooomendernol"
hibbelisch - nervous
Hinkel - chicken
horschemo! - listen!
hugge - to sit
inn Abrahams Schoos - gendary place that everybody knows ? but nobody has ever seen
Ims.. - family celebration; to celebrate an anniversary
Kaff - small town . . .
kee Bock meh - unmotivated .
Kipp .... ............ - cigarette
Kleen - small
Knaube ........... - to work not very accurately
Knepp mache .............. - to do something stupid
Kohle ... - cash, money
Labbe . - driving licence; wash cloth
Läärisch - to be not in the mood
Läwe geht weider - Saarlandian motto like "Don't worry, be happy"
Lazzegalli . - furtive person
Maije .. - to have some free coffee or tea or other several
drinks (or nothing at all) during a hole
afternoon or evening at a good friend's
home, talking about god and the world
Muppesje . - not even skinny person, similar to: “Pummelsche"
Naggisch - naked
Nippes - useless things
Owwerlinxwiller - also very good known in China
Petze - delay the way to the toilet
plärre - to cry
Saarländisch Kongo - area near Saarbrocken
Saarländisch Sibirie - area next to Otzenhausen
Scheesewäänje - baby carriage
Schlugge - to drink
Schnalle - to understand
Schneggedänzjer - funny things
Schnecke checke - to watch nice girls
Schnibbelsche - little piece
schwangere Lerch - fat (female) person
sisch ableeje - to go to sleep
Stinkstiwwel - smelly person; also: very unfriendly person
Uffgeblaasd - arrogant
Uffraffe - to get up; to pull oneself together
unn? - hello, nice to see you!
Veraasche. - to make fun of someone
Wäänje - small car
wie bei Hembels unnerm
Sofa - having a mess in the living area or office
Wutz - pig; dirty person
Zuggerschtiggsche - a lump of sugar; also: pet name for girlfriend